60-second Pre-Roll Host-Read Ad

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Get featured on Dorky Geeky Nerdy! This podcast caters to informed, smart, and young-to-middle aged listeners. The show has been running for five years and I've never missed a week. In fact, there are bonus episodes several times a month. The show has 10,000 downloads every month, so your ad will get heard by loads of people who are eager to get their trivia fix.

Why Advertise with Dorky Geeky Nerdy?

  • An engaging host - Brian has been podcasting and narrating audiobooks for a decade. He has a clear voice and a dedicated fanbase.
  • Consistent fans - The show has never missed a release. Every week for five years, DGN has had a fresh, new episode.
  • Staying power - Even older episodes get listens. People discover the show and start from the beginning.
  • Wide audience - The show has over 10,000 downloads per month. What's more, the podcast is played in large groups (families, parties, and even libraries and schools)
  • Diverse audience - The show appeals equally to men and women as well as a variety of groups around the world.
  • Highly-rated - The show constantly gets 5-star reviews on all platforms.
Ad Position Pre-Roll
Duration 60 sec
Language * English
Monthly Downloads per Episode 15k - 50k
Shop Location Littleton, Colorado, United States

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