Recorded Post-Roll (Commercial)

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Write your ad/sponsorship text or share the link to your ad (audio, video) file here *

This is a pre-recorded commercial ad that you send (a file) to us to include at the end of the podcast (before the outro and credits) episode and will be played like a typical commercial. This format is great for product promotional campaigns (of already known brands) and works best with discount % coupons to incentivize users to make purchases based on the ad they've heard.

This offer is for an ad read on a single podcast episode, which can usually be fulfilled within 7 days during the hockey season.

About Fireside Chat

Fireside Chat launched as a podcast in January 2013 as an independent, alternate news source and analysis for Calgary Flames fans. Since then we’ve been adding other content that our listeners have asked for to round out our coverage of the Calgary Flames.

Our mantra is “For the C of Red, by the C of Red.” We are a small group of passionate Flames fans who love to talk about our team, and we want to cover our team from a different perspective. We’re not a big media company that has to appeal to everyone, we can talk about the issues that concern the serious Calgary Flames fan.

It can be hard work to follow the Flames in depth. Between online coverage, newspapers, TV, radio and other sources, there is a lot of Flames news out there and so many different perspectives.  Our podcast is designed to give you one place you can come to get all the relevant news about the team each week during the season. We read and listen to all those other sources so you don’t have to, and then we summarize all the important news in one show.

We aim to give you the top stories and Flames news of the week all at once, along with our unique thoughts and commentary on what’s going on with the Calgary Flames.

Ad Format Pre-Recorded Ad (Baked-in)
Ad Position Post-Roll
Duration 30 sec
Language * English
Monthly Downloads per Episode up to 1000
Shop Location Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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